Happy Gray Fashion And Furniture

Happy Gray
4200 East Kiehl Avenue Suite B
Sherwood, AR 72120
Happy Gray Saline
Hickory Square Shopping Center
17310 Interstate 30 / Suite # 3
Benton, AR 72013
Phone: 501-860-8228
Director of Retail Services
Amanda Sparks
Phone: 501-902-5204
Email: asparks@urmissionlr.org
Store Hours:
Monday – Friday: 10:00AM-6:00PM
Saturday: 10:00AM-4:00PM
Closed: Sunday
We are pleased to invite you to a place that is near and dear to our heart………
In 2017, the Union Rescue Mission of Little Rock worked day in and day out to build what is known today as Happy Gray. At this charming little shop, we handpick the best and most lightly used garments, bags, and shoes. We don’t sell anything we would not wear ourselves.
100% of the proceeds will impact and benefit the women and children of Dorcas House. These precious women are truly strong and amazing. They are vigorously striving to improve their lives. We are dedicated to helping them make that happen.
Happy Gray is more than just a resale shop. It is a place where women learn vital job skills. These skills help them confidently stand on their own two feet in a world that has tried to knock them down too many times. It is a place where our women can also come and shop for free. We love to see these courageous women dressed for success when they take their skills out into the world to get new jobs.
Come join us. Find something wonderful for you or someone you love at an unbeatable price!
Make Someone Happy,
When Skies are Gray!!!
3001 Springer Blvd | Little Rock, AR
Phone (501) 374-4022 Ext. 2
Fax (501) 353-0714
823 S. Park Street | Little Rock, AR
Phone (501) 374-4022 Ext. 3
Fax (501) 370-0804
2921 Springer Blvd | Little Rock, AR
Phone (501) 374-4022 Ext. 4
Fax (501) 375-5134